Friday, October 08, 2010


i love my legs; as far as i know, i always have. i can't remember when i didn't love my, at times spindly, often-referred-to-as-chicken legs. even at a time when i either hated or was indifferent to every other part of me, i loved my legs. my legs, which i love by the way, were built for a life of leisure. they were built for high heels and miniskirts and, you know, that's not a bad thing to be built for. the trouble is that's not what my legs ever wanted to do. my legs wanted to climb trees, crawl through tunnels and fall off speeding bicycles - and they carry the many years of scars to prove it. my legs still want to win races, jump high and long, and play every sport they come across. but that's not all. oh no ... my legs want to run and run and run. ah, those legs. my legs. we always want what we shouldn't have. and when i try to reason with them, my legs ask me - would you rather sprain your ankle stumbling over the insanely high heel of some silly shoe or during a high-octane pick-up basketball game? when you soak your sore feet, isn't it great that it's because of a long run in the glorious outdoors and not because of some ill-fitting instruments of torture strapped to them? how cool is it that your knees hurt, not because you walked around all day on tiptoes, but because you ran faster, and further than you ever imagined possible?
i tell you, it's difficult to argue with my legs and, because i love them and because i want them to be happy and.. well... because they are right, i let them do what they will. these legs that i love.


dodo said...

"These *legs* are made for walking..." :-))

Prettylyf said...

Awww you runners..keep those legs moving. I tell myself. If I'm going to put my legs through 4 inch heels then I'm going to make them run uphill and downhill until they can't

pandave said...

haha! yes dodo and hopefully they'll let me run too!

true, prettylyf, we have to keep them moving or we'll go nuts!! or maybe nuts has already happened... ;-)

Prettylyf said...

Just may be nuts has already happened. Thank you for your kind words on my blog :) I appreciate you. Have a beautiful day

Oscar Grillo said...

I am crazy about my belly button.

Oscar Grillo said...

My legs don't love me.

Prettylyf said...

Hey Scorpio :) our birthday month is here. Please post something! I've missed your posts