Wednesday, January 19, 2011

What Happens When You Breathe

always always running is the story of my life.  i am running to get to the gym, running to get to work (who knows why one would rush to that?), running to get out of the rain, snow or to get to some sun before it disappears.  my parents were always saying, "hey, slow down!" i was rushing through a story, a meal or a book.  i could never tell you what i was rushing towards but i still hurtled a full speed.  and many times during the running, i would bump into him, coming in or out of our building.  usually he had a surf board and i would hold the door so he could get through and usually i was dressed in sweats, on my way to some kind of gym class where i worked to release the tensions i constantly accumulate in my shoulders.  i would pause and say, hey, while envying his surf board.  seriously, what is cooler than surfing?  sometimes i would make a little conversation, suggest that perhaps one day he could take me with him and teach me how to be as cool as he was.  he would say, sure, anytime but what time was that, especially since we didn't even have each other's phone numbers?  but it would be said and then i would get back to the rushing. 

then, in october 2007 my rushing was brought to a screeching halt by a doctor's scalpel.  for a little bit there, there was barely walking, let alone running.  two friends and my mother came to pick me up from the hospital and help me up to my fourth floor walk-up apartment.  as my friend helped me up the stairs, he opened his apartment door and saw me struggling.  the thought that popped into my head, "oh, no, he's going to think i'm super drunk and need to be carried home."  so i put on my biggest smile and said, "hi, i'm okay!"  later he told me that the hospital bracelet i was wearing was pretty obvious proof that drunk wasn't my problem.

later, i was able to gingerly walk outside and i bumped into him and he stopped to chat - he had started taking a yoga class and it was great and maybe once i felt a bit better, he could take me to try it out.  and this time he pulled out his phone so we could actually exchange information. i made a plan to take a bikram yoga class with hidef.

fast forward to 19 january, 2008.  we walked over to the yoga studio with me chattering away (nervous).  and just before we stepped into the yoga studio he warned me, "it will be really hot but you'll be okay."  i walked in and i thought, "forget hot, it stinks up in here!"  and so began the most unforgettable first date i have ever been on.  90 minutes later, i was drenched in sweat and had just finished a display of my tragic lack of flexibility.  and yet he wanted to hang out again.  and i was so looking forward to it. 

i still look forward to hanging out with hidef.  today we go out to celebrate 3 years together - with great tasting AND smelling food.  and the only stretching will be while purring like a cat and rubbing my full belly.  taking another moment to stop and breathe... aaaah!!


dodo said...

Happy Anniversary- slow down and enjoy the day!

pandave said...

Thank you, Dodo! Even if i tried, right now the snow and ice have slowed me right down ;-)

Prettylyf said...

Awww this is such a beautiful story :)

Happy Anniversary Pandave & Hidef