Monday, April 11, 2011


Some weeks ago, I read that some scientists had discovered a new species of monkey.  Such exciting news - what are these hidden corners of the worlds that man has not yet stepped upon?  That, for me was the most fascinating thing.  I mean, if we have not seen all the world, could the world maybe have corners that one could, theoretically, fall off of?  If we haven't been there, we don't know.  Instead of the Bermuda Triangle, it could be a Bermuda Edge and that is where people disappear - they actually, literally, fall off the earth! 

But I digress - back to the new monkey.  This monkey is a little thing and its outstanding characteristic is a nose that looks like the one Michael Jackson ended up with.  I was intrigued - how did said scientists find this monkey, heretofore unknown?  It turns out that the scientists were hanging out with some hunters that they came across and that the hunters had skulls of a shape the scientists had never seen before.  "What are these skulls and where did they come from?" the scientists wondered out loud, in the presence of the hunters.
"Oh, we'll show you," replied the hunters and then the hunters led the scientists to where the monkeys were.  And this is the tale of how the scientists discovered the monkeys.

And this really brings up a question (in my mind, at least).  If you hear people talk of things and you have them take you to see these things, an it really be called YOUR discovery (I'm looking at you David Livingstone, with Victoria Falls, aka Mosi-oa-Tunya)?  At what point are people going to start admitting - no, no, I didn't really discovered.  What happened is that a few people who knew of something, told me about it and I decided to tell the world.

Or is the power of discovery a power enjoyed solely by the powerful?  If you know of something and you have no power, does that mean that thing does not exist?

Maybe that's the deal with that tree in the forest that no one is hearing... yet.  Don't worry, tree, the scientists are coming!


dodo said...

"Or is the power of discovery a power enjoyed solely by the powerful?"
So it seems... :-(

... and i loved this post!

Oscar Grillo said...

Love it!