Thursday, November 29, 2012

No Offence...

So, remember how a short while ago I was going on about how Monday shouldn't have all the glory for being the worst day of the week? Well, Monday decided to go all out and try to prove me wrong. I woke up on Monday morning and as I headed out to the subway, there were no indications that this day would be any different from any other work day. I headed down the stairs and took my place on the platform and waited.

And waited.

And waited.

My subway stop is a local stop and, just to make things worse than they already were, about 5 express trains zipped by as we stood on our local track and waited. I had moments when I wondered if there had been an accident or a sick passenger. I wondered if there would be an announcement over the loudspeaker telling us that train service had been suddenly suspended. I wondered how many more people could possibly fit on the crowded platform. And still no train.


The train came and I squished onto it - I only had to go one stop before I transferred to the express train. There was an express train waiting and I jumped on. We trundled across the bridge and made two stops. Then, the intercom system crackled to life. The train was being put out of service and we would have to transfer to the train waiting across the platform. The only problem was that the train waiting was full. Beyond full. People were packed in so tightly they made sardines look spaced out. There was no way I was getting on that train. The doors creaked shut and the train left.

And we waited.

And waited.

A train arrived on the express track and we rushed to get on it. No luck. It too went out of service. Now two loads of passengers were waiting on the next train.

And waiting.

A train trundled in on the local track and it was kinda full. But I had had enough. Using my bag as a shield, I got onto that train and headed off. I only had a couple of stops before I had to transfer again onto yet another train. It was waiting on the platform and I even found a seat. But then the train did not move. The intercom crackled to life again.

This time it was door trouble on a train a few stops down and we had to sit and wait.

And wait.

And wait.

I was surprised when the doors finally closed and the train started moving. I was maybe going to get to work before lunchtime! Hallelujah!

So, okay, yes, Monday, I am sorry if you felt slighted by my moves to bring Sunday into your realm. You have shown me who is boss. I am waving the white flag.


dodo said...

Garfield always hated Mondays ;-)

Prettylyf said...

Mondays take the cake. Hands down!!!