Monday, December 15, 2008

Duck, Duck... Shoe!

So George Dubya Bush went to bid farewell to Iraq over the weekend. All was going really well, there were smiles and waves and friendly handshakes. Finally, there was a press conference where papers were ceremoniously signed and more handshakes were exchanged. Then Dubya and Al-Maliki stood at a podium to exchange compliments. Suddenly a young journalist, probably feeling that the event was too serious, jumped up and started up a game of, I'm thinking, dodgeball. He yanked his shoe off, shouting farewell to Dubya and some other words that might be considered insults if this were not a game (you know you have to trash-talk the competition in a game). He took aim and threw the shoe. Dubya must have been a dodgeball champion in school because he ducked and the shoe whizzed by him without even clipping a hair. Ah but most shoes come in pairs. The journalist had a second chance. More trash talk ensued as he pulled at the second shoe and hurled it. Al-Maliki, feeling a little left out of the game, tried to intercept the shoe. Perhaps he thought he had a better chance of hitting Dubya with it from close range - we'll never know as he could not catch it. But dodgeball Dubya deftly ducked and avoided the second shoe as well. And then, from behind, a Secret Service Agent, mistaking the dodgeball for American football, tackled the journalist, bringing the game to a quick end before Dubya could pick up the shoes and try to see if his aim was better than the journalist. Ah but it was fun while it lasted. I wonder what they'll play in Afghanistan? Pin the tail on the donkey?


dodo said...

LOL! I enjoyed every line of this description!
And yes, he WAS quick in avoiding the shoe- he must be gifted! ;-)

pandave said...

Thanks Dodos!
Very gifted in the dodging department he is...

Prettylyf said...

LOL am with you, Pandave that guy can dodge a shoe alright LOL

tjidzani said...

Yeah, the way he dodged those kinda looked staged...I think:)