Wednesday, August 05, 2009

It Only Takes A Spark

So, this is what happened to me today. I got up and my body ached and so I thought - ten more minutes. It felt like all I did was blink but then it was helluva long blink because, the next time I opened my eyes, it was half an hour later. I dragged myself out into the unreal humidity that is a New York phenomenon. Damp and weighed down by the grey skies, I finally parked myself at my desk at work and decided to visit my blog friends to help lift my spirits. My fellow bloggers never cease to amaze, inspire, motivate and fascinate me. And, when the endless rain has soaked my spirit into submission, this is what I need in order to get me going.
I headed over to Oscar's site, where only yesterday he and El Editor had me smiling and bopping at my desk and saw that he had encouraged me to read the lyrics of the wonderful song Marcianita (My Little Martian Girl). I am being very generous when I say that my Spanish language skills are limited, and Oscar suggested I use a translator and so I did. I realised that, in my office, I have coworkers from Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, Peru and that's just on my side of the room. So I asked the lady from Costa Rica if she had a little time for me and a little song. She took the song and enlisted the assistance of yet another coworker and, in no time presented me with translated lyrics. She took the time to type them up! I was touched and impressed.
Well, after all that, I felt I owed her an explanation and so I did, from the beginning, together with illustrations, provided by me clicking on Oscar's site. "Oh, that's really cool," she said and the proceeded to translate the comment "eso de una sola teta....pobre flaco!" that was also left on the site. Then she told me that, before she had kids, she used to love to draw a lot. Having grown up in Orlando, right near Disney, she loved to draw cartoon characters. Those who know me know I can barely draw a line and so I was excited - you draw? Then you must draw.
And draw she did - behold, people, and animaniac! And suddenly my sticky, grey day had meaning. For had I not sought inspiration, would I have ended up here, as happy as Dot, up there? Thanks Oscar!


dodo said...

Thanks for this wonderful morning spark!

(i realized that i read your post with my "Disney smile" on- the big smile i get every time i catch an old Disney film on tv)

pandave said...

Oh thank you Dodo! I forgot to mention that you provided the translation of Rock 'n' Roll!

Prettylyf said...

Funny how and where we can find inspiration only if we look. Now even I am grateful to Oscar for making your morning that ended up making my night and that of my sun burned face.

I missed reading you but now I'm back (-:

More than anything despite the humidity and grey skies I'm glad to read you're back to work because that means you are better now. Yay!!!

Have a great Friday & weekend (-:

Oscar Grillo said...

Sweet!!!...You are most welcome!

pandave said...

I am so glad you are back Prettylyf. Hope you are keeping positive - on those grey days, it is what I look for.

pandave said...

Ah Oscar, my coworker was so inspired, almost everyone in our department has a little sketch on their cubicle wall. Your inspiration spreads far and wide!