Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Fait Accompli!

It has been a while since I embarked on my mission to become an eco-terrorist. A jigsaw puzzle with wildflower seeds embedded in the pieces? What a genius idea! Fuzzy pieces that are so difficult for my eyse to make out? Not so good. I stopped and started; I almost gave up. I rolled up the puzzle and put it away and focused on tryign to make the most of the rare sunny days we have had this summer. But the puzzle drew me, like a magnet. It taunted me - 500 pieces, Pandave. Are you going to be conquered by 500 pieces? There were days when the answer was a resounding - yeah, I just might be. Last week, this is where things stood:

Sunday was a rainy day and my brain was fried from three intense weeks of classes. The yellow puzzle pad sat on my table, taunting me. And I am a sucker for a taunt - challenge me? You want to challenge me? Well... You're on! I positioned the lamp to shine down on the pieces, I pulled the table close to me and got busy. You see the bags under my eyes? The tired and puffy face at work this morning? The less than four hours of sleep I got on Sunday night? Well, HELLO PANDA!!

I am sad about taking this apart but you know what would make it better? Finding people all over who will take in the pieces and spread the wildflowers around the world. Eco-terrorism... Who is with me?


Carla said...

Such a fabulous idea! Where does one buy such a puzzle?

Oscar Grillo said...

Marcianita Lyrics in Spanish:

Ignorada marcianita
aseguran los hombres de ciencia
que en 10 años más tu y yo
estaremos tan cerquita
que podremos pasear por el cielo
y hablarnos de amor

Yo que tanto te he soñado
voy a ser el primer pasajero
que viaje hasta donde estás
en la tierra no he logrado
que lo ya conquistado se quede
conmigo nomás.

Quiero una chica de Marte
que sea sincera
que no se pinte ni fume
ni sepa siquiera lo que es roncarol

Marcianita, blanca o negra
espigada, pequeña, gordita, delgada
serás mi amor.
La distancia nos acerca
y en el año 70 felices seremos
los dos.

dodo said...

A-m-a-z-i-n-g! Really. It is!

pandave said...

I got mine in a Barnes & Noble, Carla, but I think one can look online.

Oscar! Thanks for the lyrics and for the joy they brought.