Wednesday, December 01, 2010

By Any Means Necessary?

We kick of the month of December with World AIDS Day. It's a day of reflection but it will, hopefully, become a day of celebration; a day when people break out the champagne or break into dance as they toast the eradication of AIDS.

To attain this goal, what are we willing to do? What sacrifice are we willing to make? Well, Kim Kardashian (and a few friends) is willing to make the ultimate sacrifice. She is willing to die for the cause. DIE! Impressive, right? Makes you look a tad uncommitted to it all... Until you realise that the death is all very pretty and symbolic. Death, pretty? Well, look at that wonderfully airbrushed dramatic photo of Kim in her Coffin (Koffin?). How many more people would be eager to die if death were so becoming?

And the death? It's no stabby death. No, it's far more new millennium. It's digital and, maybe, very temporary. Temporary death? Who does Kim think she is - Jesus? No, not Jesus... Lazarus! That's it. For she needs help coming back to life. We get to play the role of Jesus - it's incredible. But not just any Jesus, but a 21st Century Jesus. New and improved for the modern age, with money as our tool of healing and resurrection. It's genius!!

So Kim (and friends) has died... you know, digitally. When you wake up on 1 December and come to the internet, she will be nowhere to be found and you will be bereft. Without tweets and tales (you know except the one about her being dead) your life will be empty. There will be a hole in your heart. And to fill this hole, you will give money. And give. And give. Until you (and friends) have given ONE MILLION DOLLARS! And, like magic, poof, she (and friends) will be back. And all will be wrong with the world again. Imbalance will be restored as we return to worshiping those who are famous for nothing and existing in braindead worlds.

Is it so terrible that I am hoping for you (and friends) to raise $999,999.99. I'm sure AIDS day will forgive you a penny in the name of digital death.


dodo said...

Well, i have to admire those who came up with such a creative idea for fund raising- after i pick up my jaw from the floor where it dropped...

pandave said...

i think you will find many jaws on that there floor, dodo!

Prettylyf said...

LOL sheer absurdity!

Kristi Tencarre said...

she looks like Barbie