Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Good Morning

I must be honest with you, I have been grumpy as hell lately. And grumpy is a very polite term for the foul mood I have been in. Almost nothing seems to please me - it's crazy how it can take one small bad thing to overwhelm and squash the many good things that are going on. Or maybe this is just me. Perhaps I am letting the yuck things accumulate and build into a mountain. I should be crushing the molehills.

This morning I was in my yoga class and, usually, I am glad to be in a 6:30 am class because it is too early for my mind to be working. However, today it was whirring away and nothing good was going on up there. I was getting all kinds of frustrated. As I rushed out of class so that I could be at work by nine, I was still all over the place - my feet seemed to big for my boots, my pants didn't fit correctly, I felt strangled by my turtleneck. But as I walked down the street, birds started singing. Perhaps they were squawking in panic. Whatever it was, those birds were chirping their lungs out. It was striking how many were chirping. I thought to myself, are they doing this because there is a storm coming in? Are they trying to warn others about the bad weather approaching? They do say that animals still have the intuition that humans seem to have lost over time. Then again, I mused, whatever it is, it does sound nice. And it is always good to be reminded that we still have a little wildlife in our overcrowded city. I smiled a little.

Then I walked into work and wished my coworkers a good morning as I passed their desks. I was reminded of one my favourite movies, Singin' in the Rain, and that fun song about good mornings. I mean, if I woke up singing that song every day, my days would be way more fun than they currently are. As I sat at my desk I decided that I was glad that I had gone to yoga, it does give me the balance. I am glad that I do all the things that I do in an attempt to remain sane. I have to remind myself often that there are many good things in my life and around my life. I just have to remember to wish the world and myself a very Good Morning! Maybe dance a little while I'm at it.


tjidzani said...

Haha - we need morning people to balance out not-a-morning-persons like me!

I just took next Monday off because I can't (won't) handle springing forward...

Prettylyf said...

We all need this especially on Monday mornings :) great reminder to have..thanks for sharing, Pandave!!