Sunday, June 03, 2007

I Believe The Children Are Our Future

because i believe that being chirpy is so 10 years ago, i tuned in to anderson cooper for some light depression. apparently since september, the beginning of the school year, 28 school kids have been shot, stabbed or strangled. the head of the school district seems to believe that the reason why this has not really made the news is that the kids are poor inner-city children. the mayor seems to think it is not such a big deal because (a number he threw out) 80,000 are killed in america every year. it's just the way the country is. so there. mild depression.

now to a more pressing matter. i was reading an article that spoke of a man called cash $. question - if i decide to read the article out loud, as a bedtime story for the child of a neighbour, how do i pronounce cash $?

1 comment:

dodo said...

"28 school kids have been shot, stabbed or strangled".
Sorry, no comment...