Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Everything's Relative

i was tagged by the ever fascinating world traveller fb and so i shall take this expose of the unimportant very seriously. for what doesn't matter to me, may in fact be the be all and end all for someone who stumbles upon my soul-baring...

The Rules:
- Link to the person that tagged you.
- Post the rules on your blog.
- Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself.
- Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.
- Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.

  1. I have left/right issues (and almost no sense of direction). i find it amazing that there are people out there that do not have to think about it when someone says "raise your right hand." it is something i remember more these days because, in my yoga class, left and right are very important to the teachers. so there i am, trying to twist myself like a pretzel and then i hear, "okay now take your right hand and wrap it around your left thigh" and i can't see my foot to figure out if i am holding the scarred left one or not and i check for a watch because my hands are behind me holding me up and i just want to scream - hey, toward the mirror or away from the mirror would help so much right now. but, there's no screaming in yoga. screaming is not zen.
  2. since my surgery a few months back, i have a scar at the bottom of my stomach that looks like a big smile. so remember, if we ever fall out and i look all mad at you, know that always, a part of me is still sunnily smiling right at you. while still giving me street cred.
  3. despite my many threats to kick people's butts, i consider myself to be a pacifist. some refer to me as an idealist. others use the term "silly fool." i suppose this might make me strong enough to be president of switzerland. they don't go to war, right? and they have great chocolate. i'm thinking the president might qualify for some free chocolate.
  4. i am allergic to mangoes. not epi-pen allergic. but more irritating rash allergic. do you know what i am drinking now? mango nectar. that is how good mangoes taste.
  5. i can't throw away a book. even one that i have not enjoyed reading. i find it far easier to find space in my new york apartment (known in other cities as a walk in closet) and install yet another bookshelf. i think i am currently at 5 shelves. maybe i should have a book giveaway/exchange party. that shouldn't be too painful.
  6. i have a terrible internal thermostat. as a result, i tend to have horribly cold hands and feet. sometimes i meet people and shake their hands and they hold on for longer, rubbing a hand between two of theirs - almost without thinking about it. to these kind souls, thank you. it makes such a difference.
the people i have chosen to tag are very super important. their views on the world, well...
dodos - everytime i go and there are a few words, and a picture that makes me go hmm...
tunga - always you make me giggle.
prettylyf - always positive, always poetic
carla - you take a lens and well, see what you did with snow and a bikini?
skyelarke - it seems you see so much and your soul remains beautiful.
tjidzani - so wonderfully lyrical.


Prettylyf said...

Hey Pandave. Great list! To have a smiley post-surg scar is different and amazing :) let me know when the book giveaway/exchange party is, I'll be there in a flash :)

Oscar Grillo said...

Buenas noches, Pandeazucar!

Carla said...

Very interesting. Too bad about the mangoes...they are so yummy. My sister has major left/right issues as well...it's provided us with many laughs over the years. I always have to ask her which left she's talking about, this left or that left. I've done my post.

Ekwa MO said...

i love how your belly scar gives you street cred...maybe i could tell people about you? you know, in keeping with the whole "brooklyn gangsterism" perception...my friend with street cred...!

Prettylyf said...

Hey Pandave-hope you're having a good long weekend! So just you know I honored the tag. Now, I need some dress help so please come over to my blog at your earliest convenience :)