Friday, April 25, 2008

Eliot Mess

so there is a story in new york that was beaten to death, picked up and beaten again.
and out of it all, i ended up with lyrics to my next song.

Eliot Spitzer, you were a hero that couldn't be beat
Taking on those greedy, rich thugs over on Wall Street
Insurance companies that did us bad
As Attorney General, you were our honourable, righteous lad

From behind the desk, shaking her head
The legal receptionist looked over and said
"$5,500 to polish a knob!
That girl better have done a helluva job."

And when, as Governor, your popularity dove
I blamed other party tactics, the likes of Karl Rove
You still seemed, to me, to be a man of the people
And always stand as tall and straight as a steeple


And when i heard the whispers, stars of rumours on the news
I thought "it's just the haters, trying to take over your shoes"
Even when it was "press conferenece, keep tuned in, it's coming up"
I was all, "He'll just say it's all lies, you gossippers just shut up."


And when the headlines taunted "Eliot Phone Ho"
I still covered my ears, shook my head and shouted "No, no, no!"
But you stood up, no confession, jsut a forgive me please
I rolled my eyes, shook my head, sighing finally, "You too Eliot? Geez!"

From behind the desk, shaking her head
The legal receptionist looked over and said
"$5,500 to polish a knob!
That girl better had done a helluva job."

*thanks to the receptionist at law firm mumble mumble, for her can't get out of my head comment that inspired this ditty.


Cover Girl of Doom said...

polish a knob? oh dear.

Tu said...


Ekwa MO said...

you know you have a real future in ghost writing for some rapper or something Rumz...just a thought incase you get tired of the whole accounting thing!