Thursday, April 10, 2008

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions...

so, after hemming and hawing and suit-and-heels-wearing while trying to look enthusiastic about just about everything during two hour interviews that start at 8 am, i started a new job on monday. thankfully, i picked the place where i don't have to wear a suit and heels which is great because all that pavement pounding killed my fatigued-from-marathon-training feet. i picked the place that appears to want pandave, not susan and i feel good about it.

so on monday morning i headed out and got on the train. and then got stuck because there was a sick passenger on the train. if no one else, new york commuters must be big supporters of workers' rights. there is little more infuriating than being stuck between stations because the train ahead of you has been delayed in order to deal with a sick passenger who has no job security and so will drag him or herself into the office, even when they feel the grim reaper breathing down their back.

so i was late for my first day of work. great start. i get into the elevator and press the button for the 28th floor. the elevator shoots up and when it stops i swear my stomach has been left on the 19th floor. can one get motion sickness from elevators? i'm clutching the corners of the car but there is a man in the car with me and so i try to smile at him so that i don't get him concerned and i stagger out into the office. i have decided that i shall not eat within an hour of riding the elevators in this building.

then i spent the day training which was necessary yet very tedious. oh for the day where training is set to a catchy tune and coupled with a little dancing. i actually excused myself a couple of times to go to the ladies room and jump up and down to get the brain working again. oh and that bathroom - i went to flush the loo and the water started coming up, instead of down. naturally, i started talking to it - no, no, go down, don't do this to me!
a woman walked in and so i asked her what one does and she told me that the stall i had chosen was a bit "slow" so i should just flush again. great advice. the water came up even higher.
she shrugged and left the room. i stood and started praying, promising everything short of the souls of my unborn children - just please don't overflow! phew. a centimetre more and no one would have forgotten me in that office.

looking back on the day i have made a very important decision - next time i start a new job on a tuesday. it's not as though i don't know about monday.


Prettylyf said...

Congratulations on your new job, Pandave!!! So happy you finally found a place that wants Pandave not Susan.

So much to go through for the first day at a new place. If am not wrong elevators have been know to cause motion sickness for some people.

And the loo saga? that has happened to me at a friend's house. Only for me it kept coming up until it overflowed and covered the gratefully tiled floor(not carpeted). ACK! Hope it went down at last. Good thing to learn on day one b/c now you know to avoid it in the future.

All the best at your new job. You'll do great :)

p.s. I'm sure Barney would be disappointed you don't have to suit up but I admire that!

Prettylyf said...

And oh yeah Mondays suck! I just had to come back and say that hehe

Carla said...

Congrats on the new job. The first couple days are always a little stressful easing into everything, but you'll be a pro in no time, I'm sure.

gishungwa said...

Congratulations on your new job. First days are a bit tense and the training a bit of a drag. All the best.

Cover Girl of Doom said...

toilet problems??? you don't say!

Ekwa MO said...

oh dear Rums! well the good news is that you were able to entertain us with that very amusing story...amusing for us who weren't experiencing the horror along with you of course! and on the 28th floor now! Sounds like you're moving on up! 20 floors higher to be exact! CONGRATULATIONS!!