Monday, December 18, 2006

Monday Blues

oh man, such great plans for today...
notes for the best blog ever!
i plug in my replacement ipod, speedily sent compliments of applecare.
and i think, that doesn't sound healthy. then i think, oh you are just being paranoid.


the blue screen of death.

and i think, oh, it's just a glitch. i was in the kitchen when it happened, maybe i knocked something on my way out of the room.

i try again...

unexplained error, followed by numbers. and then, just in case i missed it...

the blue screen of death.

and now, my great day of blog glory,
that blog, so great, the devil would give me back my soul in exchange for it,
lost forever...

trumped, yet again, by those awesome computer gods


Oscar Grillo said...

Hi ya, Pandit!...A big embrace from Blightyland,

pandave said...

hey oscar!
big hugs right back at ya from our land of the freeish and home of the braves!