Friday, December 01, 2006

1 December

world aids day. the day to stop for a moment and think. about the more than 25 million who have died since 1981. the more than 12 million aids orphans. 6,000 new infections every day. numbers to large to imagine. statistics too overwhelming to stomach.

smaller numbers. those with fewer degrees of separation remember smaller numbers. parents, siblings, friends. struggles to try to afford retroviral drugs. daring to even dream that suffering and death can be postponed. wondering how economics determine the right to life. wishing the six degrees of separation doctrine applied to them. mind-boggling.

so today. december 1. wear a red ribbon. be fashion fowa(red). keep a child alive. watch my man, bill clinton, being passionate about positively HIV negative future. or just watch bill and smile. go out and buy and paint by numbers set so you too can be african. rah rah. i am off to grab my pom poms! (red) of course.


sophie said...

I have my red ribbon.

Thankyou for your wonderful

Anonymous said...

I'd like to buy one of those red iPods for Christmas...

pandave said...

thank you sophie. we do what little we can.

erikku, i'll put in a good word with santa.

i have such ipod envy!