Thursday, December 28, 2006

No, Not Dolly!

"f.d.a. says food from cloned animals is safe"

okay, okay, wait, wait, wait. last i knew we had a sheep and a cat. and now there is a whole discussion about to label or not to label meat from cloned livestock? f.d.a. says no but survey says the people want to know. good lord, we have all kinds of folk who are probably planning on making loads of money from cloned milk and meat talking about how there is only need to label if the food is significantly altered by how it is produced. ummm, hello, it's a clone!!! i am thinking somewhere in there somehow there is some significant alteration of something. but they are doing it for us. apparently they don't want to " misinform consumers with some sort of implied message of difference". that translates to, we don't want to lose a whole lot of money when people just won't touch the meat labelled "cloned". blah blah blah goes the rest of the article and for some reason i am deeply disturbed by it all.

am i going to have to become vegetarian?


Anonymous said...

Are we sure tomatoes aren't cloned too?

Anonymous said...

yum.. can't wait for these to hit nyc restaurants.. i could see the menu now at my favor frog rest.. cloned organic steak fritte..

sophie said...

yes do become one and let's go
to teany's together:)


Anonymous said...

Cloned cattle, fed with genetically modified cattle feed and reprocessed cattle parts. Delish.

Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Yes, hello Dolly indeed. This, I guess, is what they call progress: genetically altered GMO grains, refused by consumers here and in Europe, so that they are then shipped as "food aid" to Africa (they even tried Zimbabwe), where they wreck havoc on the local food markets (how can you compete against free?). But then again, we have growth hormones in cows and milk, denatured chickens fed all sorts of nasty things in breeding batteries, and finally "farm raised" salmon kept in pens so crowded and full of waste, you'd get seriously ill if you fell into one of them. And let's not forget the trans fats and high fructose corn syrup in pretty much everything else out there. It's sickening just to think about all the crap the food industry puts into our food. I'm surprised we're not all vegetarians already. A good place to read about all this is at the Worldwatch Institute's website (

Pandave, you are right to dread the clones....

Wishing you a wonderful new year.


Oscar Grillo said...

Don't kill the parsnips!!!...Have a great 2007!

fb said...

'Farmed', 'Cloned', 'Transported?! Beam me a salmon!'

I want the salmon that that bear has just scopped out of the river! ;)

Wait the bear's a clone!

Wishing you a Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Wishing you an exciting 2007!

pandave said...

oh dodos! don't say that... where shall we go?

lol! wele! cloned organic? i am sure that will be a runaway hit!

sophie, i am very good at pretending, as long as the veggie burger tastes like real beef ;) i keed, i keed! you know i am dying to go to teany's with you.

erci... you gotta love those reprocessed cattle parts... not just processed but reprocessed for extra scariness.

hey horst! so lovely to see you and have a fabulous 2007! i try to take these things a little step at a time but that means all the modifications and globalisation of unnatural meats AND veggies is galloping ahead... fighting the losing battle with all my heart!

haha! oscar! i shall focus my energies on cauliflower then! i hope you have the best year!

fb... priceless! we don't need horror movies any more.

dodos, thank you! i hope you have a superfantabulous year!

Anonymous said...

oh please say it ain't so! Why didn't you call me Rumz!!! Do you know how much meat they eat in Texas where i just spent x-mas??!! No wonder i've started breaking out...shucks