Friday, August 08, 2008

The Yang To My Yin

so this is how my weekday trips to work go:

i undo the chain and then unbolt my dead lock and the lower lock on the door to my apartment and walk out. i then close the door and lock dead bolt and bottom lock. i walk down from the fourth floor and stick my hand gingerly through the hole where a doorknob used to be. I then i push the button that releases the lock on the outer door and head out of my building. i take the train to work and walk over to my work building.

i get to the building and use a security card to gain access to the building's elevators. i head up to the 28th floor and get off the elevator. i punch in a personal secret code on a key card to unlock the door into the offices. i then punch in a second key code and scan my palm. finally i can walk over to my desk.

you wouldn't believe how many times i sit at my desk and frantically try to remember my fire drill class - which levers am i supposed to pull? and then where am i supposed to go? who do i leave behind? what numbers do i call? what will be unlocked? which alarm sounds like what?

that reminds me, since i barely have a door at home, i should check to see if my fire escape is still there.


Carla said...

Still no door knob? Yikes. And then the double/ triple security at the other place. The world is just too strange sometimes.

Tu said...

gotta love city life

Prettylyf said...

So funny yet true. Do check your fire escape.

Happy Friday!!!