Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Awesome Chocolate Cake Recipe!!!

i couldn't resist the teaser "a golden boy becomes a killer, possibly because of a brain defect". i don't know what i expected but a the end of the show i was thinking that perhaps i am the one with the brain defect. so here the story goes:

so, there is a man named stephen stanko and he grew up in south carolina and his life was pretty unremarkable. no mention of him being prom king, captain of the football team or even head of the debate team (and you know the media would have been all over that, if it had been so). there were no clips of old high school girlfriends going on about how popular he had been. none of that. we did learn, however, that his father had been in the navy and was a strict disciplinarian. oh and he did well in class - somewhere in the top twenty - so perhaps that is where the golden came in.

senior year comes along and it is time to decide what to do. stephen claims that he turns down a whole bunch of scholarships (can you smell the skepticism?) because he wants to be some kind of engineer in the navy. but he doesn't get in. perhaps the navy admisson process sniffed out the brain defect.

so then he goes to community college for a little bit and runs minor scams a lot. i guess this is where we should have started to suspect that maybe his mother dropped him on his head - i blame her because he NEVER talks about her.... issues. then he gets a girlfriend and moves in with her. but he can't stop stealing from her and pawning her stuff on the streets. finally she is all - hey, before i don't even have a couch to sit on, you need to go. now he's not ready to live in a homeless shelter so he comes to her with a cloth soaked in chlorox and 409 and tries to suffocate her.

she's all why are you doing this (like she forgot that she was trying to kick him out on the streets)

and he's all - damn, why aren't you dying, it worked on tv (no joke)

he ties her up and does all kinds of things, including singing as he washes his hands.

for this he gets sentenced to ten years in prison - he serves 8 and a half and authors a book (there he goes, golden boy).

soon after getting out of prison he meets a new woman and, in no time, he has moved in. and started with the fraud schemes. so i'm not sure what happened this time but he killed this girlfriend (strangulation), raped the daughter and slashed the daughter's throat, twice. leaving daughter for dead, he moseyed on over to 74 year-old's friend's place where he shot the guy and took his truck. i don't know but since they were friends i think if he had just asked the guy would have let him take the truck.

former golden boy (i am thinking at this point he was no longer considered golden) ended up in augusta georgia where he met a woman in a bar on a saturday, went home with her and was at church with her on sunday morning. a couple of days later, this woman's friend calls her at work and is all - well, you know i'm not one to gossip but i think you better turn to page 5b of the paper, gurl.

and there she finds a photo of her new fabulous boyfriend, as one of america's most wanted. so, she calls the cops and they arrest him and his defence?

his brain is smaller than average and he has a brain defect (they had diagrams and everything) and thus has no impulse control and so he can't be held responsible for his actions. thought it seems that his small brain was able to control his impulses when surrounded by a bunch of big men during his 8 and a half years in prison. i don't know about you but i think anyone who did any of the above is one sick bastard and i really don't need diagrams to be convinced that there's something wrong with them.

but, what was i talking about again? i kinda lost track of the plot but, don't you get so mad when you watch a totally cool preview/teaser and then the movie is nowhere near as cool and has almost absolutely nothing to do with the preview/teaser? i am beginning to understand why elvis threw things at the television.

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