Thursday, September 13, 2007

Summer's End...

oh how i hate my lazy ways. as i sit on my couch i think - get up! do something. i think it hard. i think it strong. i stay on the couch. and promise myself; tomorrow, tomorrow and tomorrow again...

ask me why, i have no answer. for when something takes me off my couch i am pretty much always glad i came. i head home promising myself that i'll do better in the future. so much to do and so little time and can't i appreciate how lucky i am to live in a place with more to do than i know what to do with?

tonight it was a series of short films from filmmakers from london. tell me again, why i don't do better? the first film, blood, was about a boxer with a friend no one approves of and a father who states, "i know who you are and i know what you are" and he doesn't like it. i thought to myself - i miss my boxing class.

you ever heard of darkie day? yeah, me neither. hello google and wikipedia. i know the filmmaker and i shared the same expression throughout the documentary. uh-huh... wow.

after the intermission, things totally lightened up with mOrally speaking - where a couple argues "about an uspoken taboo among black men." i thought, taboo? really? and laughed so hard, i didn't feel so bad about having to miss yoga class.

of course, the one film that i wasn't so excited about had the director available for a q&a session. riding home on the train, laughing with my friend, folk are looking at us, probably wondering if we're drunk - that's how hard we're laughing. i get home and i think - wasn't that fun? aren't i so lucky? i swear i'm going to do better. i unlock the door, drop my bag and collapse onto my couch.


Prettylyf said...

You missed yoga? that's a crime in itself lol it's almost like re-defining Thursday or defiling it lol I kid.hahaha classic case of look who's talking huh?yup!

My thursday happened too, not the best yet not the worst, just your typical moderate day

TGIF (tomorrow) wait for you in ET it already is friday and I in PT I've 3hrs more lol I better sleep before I leave you a comment in tagalog

gishungwa said...

That sounds a lot like me everyday after work.Will try and see if i can do better today then again not LOL.

Carla said...

I can totally relate to that couch thing. Sometimes the week is just starting and I'm alreading wishing it was over. And then I get out there and think, "ya...I should do this more often."

Mr. Shife said...

I have been in that funk myself. I think I am little blue because summer is over as well. Oh well I just need to be like you and get out there and do something.