Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The Ex Files

we met on a bridge. between us stood an old friend of mine and a new friend of his.
"wow, i haven't seen you in a while." i was barely looking at the old friend. i was hoping he would notice my distraction and make the connection.
"yeah, it has been a while. nice to see you" i was running out of time and opportunity was preparing to pass me by. my old and his new friend started to move past me and take the moment with him.
"hi, i'm pandave," i had to say something. i reached out and we shook hands
"i'm him," and that was it, as he followed his new friend. i too walked on and, when i thought it was safe, i turned back to watch opportunity disappear into the past. as did he. completely mortified, i quickly turned back and carried on my way.

i wondered aloud who he was and inside i died a little - i should have done more. walked back bravely and not have been so embarrassed to be caught hoping for more. and then i looked up to find him standing in front of me. asking me to dance. because sometimes we get another chance. because when you dance nothing seems impossible. because we could... together. he left me breathless and as he thanked me and stepped away i forgot to ask. but he found me again and again. and he left me floating, knowing that i had met my destiny, and terrified, knowing that i had perhaps met my destiny. and when i was sitting at school sharing with my friends they laughed because, granted, it was a bridge but the bridge was in the middle of a nightclub (someone took take it to the bridge literally?) and our romantic first moment was during the teen scene known as afternoon session. but we all agreed that when the tale reached our children the bridge would be transported to a bubbling brook and the smoky nightclub would be a perfect summer's day. because that's how you tell a romantic tale.

a tale that you remember while watching high fidelity, again, and you hear:
"well, i've been listening to my gut since i was fourteen years old, and frankly speaking, i've come to the conclusion that my guts have shit for brains."


Tu said...


Prettylyf said...

I love the way you write...

pandave said...

hahah tu...

thank you so much prettylyf!