Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Sometimes Humming Is Good

because on occasion i listen and this is how i came across the following lyrics:

let's get lost tonight
you could be my black kate moss tonight.

now, those two lines will never get old. mostly because i have absolutely no idea what they mean. or if they are meant to be complimentary. if someone says that to me, am i to swoon or throw my drink in his face? so, for your persual and assessment i have provided you with a picture of a black kate moss. perhaps you can tell me.


Unknown said...

so they found a way to leave black models home?
am i in a conspiracy mood?

pandave said...

if it is true, is it still a conspiracy? or we could both be crazy.

Prettylyf said...


pandave said...

haha prettylyf! that is sooo funny!