Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I'll Crush You Like A Bug! A Bug, I Say!

so our governor, elliot spitzer isn't having such a good week. and i feel kinda bad for him because i remember that i thought he was pretty cool for standing up for the little guy against the big corporations. seems though he got on lou dobbs's bad side and apparently that mr dobbs is a force stronger than nature. i don't know much about this lou dobbs character. i gather that he has a nightly show on cnn and i have tried to watch it but it seems to always been in reruns because every time i catch a clip of him he is talking about "broken borders", whatever those are. i just wonder when they have new episodes - damn writers' strike.

anyway back to what is going on with elliot. so new york, mostly city, being a melting pot and all is full of people from all over the world and not everyone is here legally. that's all well and good but despite our fantastic public transportation system, some of these not so legal residents of new york drive motor vehicles, sometimes for a living and sometimes even with passengers in the vehicles with them. so the governor thought it might be a good idea to get all these guys take the tests and hopefully that would make the roads a safer place to be. i am sure he had some other reasons for this - i am thinking driver's licences help our glorious big brother keep a protective eye on us.

but that lou dobbs he felt very strongly about this. it seems that if you give people driver's licences today, they'll be fakely driving tomorrow. i had no idea. i could have been committing voter fraud all these years if i had known that all one needs to register as a voter is a driver's licence. i had always been told that the proof of citizenship process was far more stringent but lou dobbs has opened my eyes. there are a whole lot of non-citizens driving around america completely clueless regarding the power of that piece of plastic in their wallets. but we can't let too many people know. or before we know it only citizens will be allowed to drive.


Oscar Grillo said...

It is happy birthday already?

pandave said...

hey oscar! thursday is the big fabulous totally awesomely wonderful day!!!!