Monday, February 09, 2009

Hot Moo!

I'm a meat eater.  Those who have seen me at a barbeque might tell you that I eat more than my share of meat.  I might tell you that I could eat another steak.  However, no one would term me anything close to vegetarian.  I also have spent a lot of my life learning about holes in the ozone layer and the green house effect.  So, imagine my despair when I started hearing about how livestock causes more global warming damage than a lot of industry - perhaps all of industry.  It's all - yeah a field of cattle create more pollution than an oil refinery (or something).  And I wonder.  How?

What is that livestock doing that other wild beasts are not?  Farting, apparently.  And I know that a fart can smell bad.  I mean, you can be on a train and think you are going to die because a fart is that  stinky, but destroying the world?  Causing global warming?  And why just livestock?  Why not other vegetarian animals roaming the land?  Why can a giraffe be gassy to its heart's content, but a cow's gas can kill the world?  What is livestock eating?  Why is no one doing anything about it?  Are the world's cattle being fed baked beans?  

Are we going to have to start slipping gas-x into their food?



dodo said...

Of course. We should kill the cows and start milking our SUVs. ;-)

Oscar Grillo said...

If leaving the red light in your TV set on screws the environment, how much worst a cows fart is then?!

Prettylyf said...

LOL my dad used to say "some people say they eat meat and others just eat it!"

I don't know what to make of all this global warming talk. Very confusing :(

Oscar Grillo said...

WE create global warming. Another proof that suicide is painless.

For the records. Americans CONSUME 25% of ALL the resources of the planet.
Guess who produce more debris and waste!
Check something as simple of how much food is thrown away just because the supermarket display date is past or near. You'll be horrified!

fb said...

It is kind of convenient since cows don't speak the same language that we've decided to blame them.

pandave said...

Such wise words Dodos. This is the age in which we live.

The closer you are to that fart, Oscar, the worse it must be.

Hmmm, Prettylyf, which one of those two categories of people do I fall into.

pandave said...

The truth you speak, Oscar. This is the home of consumption, waste and judgement. Apparently the US is the only nation allowed to consume. Everyone must sacrifice so we can live large and kill the world.

Too convenient, FB. I think we need Dr Doolittle, stat.