Tuesday, May 12, 2009

They Saw, He'll Saw, I'll Soar!

Well, the doctor was wrong, kinda, but she was also right, kinda.  She was wrong, so she doesn't get the pleasure of cutting me open.  But she was kinda right so another doctor gets the pleasure.  Now he is intent of pushing me to start a new fashion trend - I'll have to learn to love my new scar.  It will be a symbol of strength, surivival and the power of the MRI.  I'm thinking that after all the jabbing and blood-taking and mumbled discussions that I have had to endure, a trend-worthy, don't-mess-with-me-in-prison scar is the least the medical profession can do for me.  The bonus?  I get to take a couple of weeks off work.  So I'm out for a couple of days but then, like a bad Terminator movie - I'll be back.


Carla said...

I hope for a speedy recovery for you. At the very least, a scar is a good conversation starter, not that I ever picture you at a loss for words. Good luck.

Prettylyf said...

For you I hope a Godspeed recovery. I also hope the procedure goes well and you've a great prognosis and the scar to tell the stories of enduring going under the knife. Go, Pandave!!!

And I hope there's someone to hold your hand, rub you back and kiss the top of your head through all this (:

Oscar Grillo said...

Scars could be sexy. Get well soon.

dodo said...

Get back soon, healthy and strong!

fb said...

Quick recovery and enjoy the 2 weeks off...DVD's, CD's, books that you wanted to read or look at...

pandave said...

Thank you Carla. i'm coming along very well and I know my scar could spark off many conversations. LOL! But how right you are, I think I am more chatty Cathy than shrinking Violet.

Woohoo Prettylyf. I feel better every day. My mom and hidef are here all the time and I have had friends and family pop in to help me with everything! and give me back rubs and kiss the head. There was a great nurse who held my hand when they were wielding the big needles, before I was knocked out.

Oh Oscar, how right you are - a toast to sexy scars!

Hey Dodo, I am back, healthy and stronger every day. I'll be running soon, I'm sure.

Thanks FB. I have been trying to catch up with a lot of watching and reading! It makes up for the immobility.