Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Ode To Mmm... Mmmmm Good

I love lychees.  I love litchis.  I love a fruit that can be spelt in many different ways and still be correct.  Aren't they awesome?  Such delicious little fruits, I don't get why it's near impossible to find them in the grocery store.  Perhaps the grocery store owners think that we'll be put off by their crackly, knobby exteriors.  Oh owners, how little you know!  Such exteriors add to the joy of consumption.  You crackle and peel your way past the knobby skin to the beautiful, fleshy, delicious interior.  Such sweet tanginess.  And a perfect size to pop inside your mouth and work away.  And just when it's getting good, just too keep you interested, you get to the seed. And not just any old seed, let me tell you, but a perfectly smooth round seed that can then be used by children as some kind of pelting toy.  Or a fake marble.  So it is not just great-tasting it also serves multiple purposes.

And yet my opportunities to enjoy this wonder of nature are few and far between.  In fact, I pretty much only ever come across the litchi in the form of a litchi martini which, I know, is not a real martini but tastes so good AND has a litchi (two if I'm lucky) in it.  As I wrote this post, I was at a street fair, sipping on a litchi in sparkling wine.  You see, I'll take my litchis however you choose to give them to me.  Can anything be as fabulous as the litchi?

Oh look, cherries...


dodo said...

Here, have one! :-)

pandave said...

Oh Dodo, it's so beautiful. It brings tears to my eyes.