Thursday, March 08, 2007

7 March

today is international women's day.

thanks goodness then that it was yesterday that i read about the three 16 year old girls who were suspended. for what, you may be wondering. well let me tell you. up in westchester county, new york, these three high school girls were at an event where they recited a reading from the vagina monologues. and, shock, horror, dismay, these girls said vagina. i would love to have been a fly on the wall in the biology classes of those girls. i wonder what they do when they study the reproductive organs.

not to be outdone, a theatre out in atlantic beach, florida, had a marquee advertising the vagina monologues (i am sensing a recurring theme here). a woman complained because, as she was passing by with her niece, said niece looked up at the marquee and asked - what is a vagina? the aunt was offended she had to answer the question. so now the marquee reads - the hoohaa monologues. i couldn't make it up if i tried.

i'll just wait for international men's day to tell you about how the award-winning children's book the higher power of lucky is being banned all over the united states because it contains the word scrotum. i wonder what that is. i hope my aunt is not offended when i ask.


thethinker said...

Wow. The Hoohaa Monologues? That is ridiculous.

dodo said...

Is the world getting too conservative?
Or is it me being too suspicious?

madelyn said...

Happy belated women's day -
but i celebrate everyday.

I am woman - here me recite poetry!

pandave said...

yes indeed the thinker. i couldn't have done more ridiculous if i had made it up.

dodos... it could never be you.

sophie, it can't ever be belated cos it is women's day every day.

for we are women, phenomenally
phenomenal women, that's we!