Thursday, March 01, 2007


a fellow magnificent blogger, dodos was tagged the other day. the mission? to list 6 "weird" things about yourself. shy person that dodos is, he still managed to put himself out there and thus tagged me. so in a lesser artistic fashion. pandave exposed...


i used to have an awesome disco hula hoop but i gave it away to a lovely young lady, leaving me with red, white and blue. I LOVE TO HULA WITH THE HOOP! roller blading and double dutch are next on the list.


apparently i tend to have the attention span of a gnat. i find myself starting many many things at the same time. i tell myself, focus, focus but last night these were 4 of the things i started... jill of many trades, apparently.


i give my plants names (they are all girls) and i sing and talk to them too. but look at the results. chimoto is growing like a weed! wait a minute...


i adore fabulous tights. the more fabulous the better for stepping out my 8th floor window onto the roof of the building next door!


no plastic bag is safe around me. they are all folded into triangular submission. i can't help myself.

well... apparently i own too many pyjamas. well, naysayers, i couldn't find a pair to take a picture of so i don't know what you're talking about!



Tu said...

Your blog really made me smile today!

Eric said...

Okay, everything else is fine, but folding plastic bags like that is just weird! ^_-

Anonymous said...

How nice to get this insight into the quirkiness of Pandave.

I'm sure it you have a better attention span than that of a gnat. I mean, otherwise, how would the hula hoop continue to spin? :)

madelyn said...

You are so cute - i wear funny
socks with shoes -
like polka dot or argyle with
bright pink mary janes...

but the bag business scares me-
you would be horrified living with me - i scrunch them up and shove
them in cubboards so much so you
can't even see the food items...


dodo said...

These tights are really FABULOUS and that thing about folding plastic bags in neat triangulars IS weird.
But i was expecting to see at least a VIDEO of Pandave with the hoop! ;-D

pandave said...

tu, glad to be of service.

eric... you are not alone with the bag thing. that said, many folk invite me over and just happen to have a bunch of bags just lying about. hmmm... i wonder why?

haha, barnes. i think the hula hoop has a mind of its own because mine tends to wander while hooping...

sophie... that sounds FABULOUS. we must go hosiery shopping one day. and i can't wait to raid your cupboards... bags galore... heaven!

dodos... video! why didn't i think of that... next time i am tagged, for sure!