Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Mood Swings

this morning i was really sad, still am a little. i woke up to watch the daily show with jon stewart and there was a piece there about a katy, a town in texas. the small muslim community there wants to build a mosque and the residents of katy are protesting against it. apparently a mosque will make katy a hotbed of terrorism. one neighbour came up with the brilliant idea of holding pig races every friday night to celebrate the american way. of what, i am not really sure but you know it is easy to be gung-ho about murky issues. so whoop! let's go pig racing. a few people interviewed made statements about not wanting "those kids" in their schools, or how it's just not right. one man said that this could be solved the old-fashioned way - just give me a rope... and a tree (can' forget that tree). the guy who hosts the pig races ended his interview by saying he was upset when folk called him racist. get it right folks, he wants to be called a bigot - that is what he is.

i came to work to read an uk guardian article about zimbabwe. nothing i had not read before (except that peter godwin of mukiwa fame has written another memoir). but the reader comments were so disheartening with references to savages, the imf and sudan.

all this and i wonder why the world is not more like a coca cola commercial. is it the corn syrup that they load in these days that is keeping us from having a coke and a smile? nope, now instead i see ads for kleenex with people crying on street corners, reaching for tissue. let it all out, they say.

i'm trying to decide whether i am going to regress to irene cara what a feeling buoyancy (leg warmers and sweatband required) where pretty much all current affairs should be ignored or opt for twisted sister we're not gonna take it anger (i may still need the sweatband). cos the kleenex is making my nose hurt.


Anonymous said...

Hello Pandave.

I hope your mood has swung in a happier direction since you awoke. :)

As promised, here's a note to tell you that "Winters Fables" is up again. And I have linked to your delightful blog.

Be well, my friend.

Barnes :)

madelyn said...

ok - that made me mad.

mosques are so utterly peaceful -
i visited several in India.

What crap.

Eric said...

I love Texas.

pandave said...

hi barnes... sigh. after my dance of triumph it seems i have been denied permission to read winters fables.

boo hoo!

i'm with you sophie. a huge pile of crap.

texas - big cars, big ranches... big hearts?