Sunday, February 11, 2007

The Slightest Touch

i was going to take a picture of it but i am afraid that the flash might set of a very unwelcome chain reaction. my trusted bookshelf of several years, lugged from target and up to my fourth floor walkup, is leaning precariously to the right. things have already fallen off the top and i have been afraid to add more books to the shelf (barnes and noble shopfest still in shopping bags). i know i should take all the books off the shelf before something terrible happens. ask me why and you won't get an acceptable answer. i look at the time and think - it's almost my bedtime and where would i put all those books and... and...

before i know it i shall be writing a post on my book avalanche.


Eric said...

I don't think the guy who lives below you would appreciate those excuses... Hell, the whole building probably.

dodo said...

The weight of knowledge... ;-)