Thursday, February 15, 2007

Oooh Lordy My Troubles So Hard...

i just came back from my annual trip to harlem. every year, around this time, i head uptown... way uptown... to watch a film, generally attended by the filmmaker and followed by a panel discussion. all in celebration of black history month. tonight the film was liberia, america's stepchild. it was a documentary. a well documented documentary with an impressive amount of footage. i mean there was footage where you would not imagine anyone would want to take a picture, let alone shoot a video. child soldiers, a mutilated samuel doe and subversive politics. as the light's came up i commented to my friend "wow, what a depressing film!"

i need a stiff drink right now. darn it! i wish i had figured out how to smuggle the bottle of rum out of the pre-show reception. my advice to you. well worth the watching. really is. but, pack a drink or two.


Eric said...

When you watch movies like that, you always think, "Damn, why am I complaining about the traffic?" It's hard sometimes to remember that there's usually someone else in the world way worse off than you are.

Anonymous said...

Hello, Pandave. I'll certainly put the film on the "list."

I am Winters, BTW. Though slightly transformed. ;)

Have a great weekend.

fb said...


I'm back not exactly sure if it's a new and improved version yet though...

madelyn said...

missed you yes i did!

pandave said...

yeah, eric, that is true. and you come away with so many questions about us - human beings...

hey barnes, winters, slightly transformed! loving your tales...

hey fb! welcome back. every version is well appreciated and improved!

sophie sophie sophie!!! yippee!!!