Thursday, February 22, 2007


over the last few weeks, one thing has become patently clear: i am not now, nor will i ever be, a morning person.
add in winter temperatures and that whole darkness when you wake up nonsense and... disaster.

since the beginning of the year, i have been going for physiotherapy before i go to work. i start work at 9am and physio is 2 hours long. yeah... one hell of an early wake up. silver lining - mild winter. neutraliser - sun still takes its time about rising, regardless. oh and then i am at work until late, i drag myself home and my eyeballs are too burnt out for me to do much more than be tired and hungry when i get home. i barely read the news (not such a bad thing, cos it's not like there's a lot of good stuff out there these days), i barely blog (a terrible thing cos i am missing out on so many wonderful stories every day) and get next to nothing done (pretty much how things have always been but at least i read the news and blogged back then in the 06's).

my early mornings have made me a totally caffeinated grouch. i spend the entire day trying not to fall asleep at my desk and being more crotchety than a sleepy baby and a bitter old man put together. my poor co-workers. i think i'll take them chocolate tomorrow. and do you know what i think about at any given moment? my greatest desire? a massage to rid my shoulders of the incredible pain and then about a week of sleep. just turn me over occasionally so i don't get bed sores but let me sleep and sleep and sleep. in fact, i can pass on the massage - just hit me over the head so i can sleep and sleep and sleep. and when i wake up, please may someone have come into power who decrees that the day shall begin at 10 am. earliest.

and my sister gets up at 3 am for the morning milking of the cows. totally chirpy. go figure.


Eric said...

3 AM!! Does your sister go to sleep at 8 or something?

pandave said...

i know! ungodly! well, when i spoke with her on sunday, it was about 9/10 pm where she was and she was dead tired cos it was past her bedtime...

hmmmm... going to bed earlier... i wonder

Anonymous said...

kuwtjiawww! is that why you brought us those delicious chocolates? poor thing, thanks though!

Anonymous said...

sorry about that weird thing in the beginning...this is why i shuoldn't be typing on people's blogs at midnight.

pandave said...

lol! ekz. yes, my seeming kindness and generosity is steeped in something much much darker...


and remember it is those midnight blogs that make life interesting.

Prettylyf said...

I can't believe I never read this post hehehe the morning milking reminded me of a lot of things nolstagic.

On the contrary I'm a morning person. Most mornings up by 430am if I'm not awake until 7am