Thursday, February 15, 2007

Geography Is Important

so today i am reading my morning "newspaper" (primarily source for crosswords and sudoku) and i came across:

"as a celebrity, you can really make people aware of what's going on in the world." paris hilton, on how she plans to go to africa sometime this year.

and i say - you go girl. all these little towns in america, i think it is admirable that she is bringing attention to one. i mean, this must be where she is going to visit... perhaps it is somewhere near paris, texas. or maybe it is in a completely new state, or someone has decided to rename a town in honour of her impending visit. i have never heard of it and so i am so so happy that i am guaranteed learning something new before the year is out. and we know what a bad rep americans have for their allegedly poor knowledge of geography. i think it is great that she is working hard to make sure that she makes people aware of the world, one town at a time.

unless, of course, africa is a super-rich heir who she is planning on hooking up with later this year and she wants to make sure we get the whole story.

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