Thursday, July 12, 2007

All Is Hell With The World

just as i was about to pack it in and call it a day with this whole life thing. everything was going to pot and all news was bad news. if we didn't blow ourselves up we would burn ourselves with global warming. lately i have not felt like i'm burning up so much as melting in this infernal humidity.

then, because i am a sucker for punishment, i decided to visit the beeb before i went to bed. and i saw the name alan johnston. i thought - darn they executed him and made a video. but no. i refreshed the page to make sure. he was released. what? you mean good things happen? there is hope? goodness, i could barely believe it.

pretty much the next day i woke up to 3 year old kidnapped in nigeria's delta region. i mean, i can sorta kinda understand the kidnapping of oil workers - the whole imperialist exploiter deal. but a three year old? that kind of thing lives with you forever, what excuse can you possibly give for traumatising a three year old?

and then after giving the kid back (with mosquito bites, to boot) they take another three year old! are you trying to see if rage can really make me explode? are you trying to see which i would rather be - hopeless or mad as all get down?

or are you trying to get me to believe that all news is bad news? law & order reruns are the order of the day.


dodo said...

It is the same everywhere, faith in humanity cannot be news...

El editor said...

Oh yes... almost anything in the world is hell but not all .
This image that I´ve picked today and reminded you, proves that.
Best wishes.

Carla said...

Lots of times I just don't bother watching the news 'cause it's just so depressing. Weather has been pretty hot here as well. Not humid, but just hot.

pandave said...

you are very right, dodos. that faith should be the norm.

el editor... thank you! i am smiling and dancing now!

carla, sometimes i think i can do hot. though i am not sure about the incredible temps going on right now. can one even move in 47 deg C weather? but humidity conquers me every time.