Monday, July 16, 2007

That's The Way Uh-Huh, Uh-Huh...

you know what this world needs? more dancing. we need to be dancing like all the time.
i have mental images of the age of the hippies and you know what they did a lot of? dancing. and they seemed pretty darned happy. even though their nation was at war, there they were, with flowers around their heads and outfits that flattered absolutely no one, dancing dancing dancing! and even though they hated war and death and stuff they would dance around, make the peace sign and say thing like - make love, not war. all calm like. some people say it was all the drugs they were allegedly doing but i don't believe that. it was the dancing.

i tell you this when i wake up in the morning and oscar and el editor get me dancing and thinking it makes me a perkier person. i don't even feel like knocking that guy, pushing me around on the train, in the head. and when i am dragging and i go to my senegalese sabar class it doesn't even matter that my teacher tells me that he can tell i am not senegalese when i start to move because i'm flashing the peace sign and i am approachable again.

i say that if there were more dancing, there would be less fighting - unless they were dance fighting like in the michael jackson beat it video. even if your mother told you you could never be a solid gold dancer - dance your heart out. and if someone tries to step into your space and disturb your groove, bop them on the head if you have to. because they should be dancing!


Prettylyf said...

lol you crack me-up and now you got me dancing :)

I'm right there with you,if given a chance to sit it out or dance, dance, dance, dance, dance your heart out!

p.s. Finally, I got around to doing it, thanks for the tag :)

El editor said...

Nice to help you every morning. Thank you.

I´m an awful dancer but I try to keep playing music every day, not always with great results. But at least, trying...

One of the PPM (People´s Perky Makers)

Oscar Grillo said...

We've Got Rhythm
We've Got Music...

gishungwa said...

trailed form prettylyf;
I have found that if i listen to music that i can dance to then my day is good.Now off to dance...

pandave said...

prettylyf, if i get you dancing just a little, then i am inspired to keep on moving!

el editor, my stance is today's awful dancing is tomorrow's big trend. and i know you have the dance in you because you bring it out in me. onward ppm!

oscar... certainly not me!

dance away gishungwa - it is the only way to stay alive!

Oscar Grillo said...

As Ira Gershwin said:

Drop that long face
Come on have your fling
Why keep nursing the blues?
If you want this old world on a string
Put on your dancing shoes
Stop wasting time
Put on your dancing shoes
Watch your spirits climb

Shall we dance
Or keep on mopin'?
Shall we dance
And walk on air?
Shall we give in to despair?
Or shall we dance with never a care?
Life is short
We're growing older
Don't you be an also-ran
You'd better dance, little lady
Dance, little man
Dance whenever you can.