Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Moody Tuesday

i got mail today!!! who knew i would be so happy to get a bunch of junk mail and bills. but after my visit to the post office on saturday where i stood in line for an hour and a half - like i was trying to buy a nintendo wii - only to be told there was nothing there. of course i asked, so where is my mail? "you'll have to come back on monday and talk to blah blah white noise, control yourself pandave....

(i know i didn't close the quotation marks but the moment never ended)

i was told by a neighbour that word around the building is that i am holding an open house. so i spent the day wondering who started the rumour and if it is part of an elaborate plan to explain my disappearance in a week or two... yes, i watch that much crime television.

i went to whole foods today and discovered wine sorbet... now why am i discovering frozen wine at the end of summer? but no... silver lining - still in time for labour day weekend. i am off to buy cones.

stevie wonder's part time lover is an awesome pre-bed dance song. remember to dance lightly if you have downstair's neighbours and to lip synch if your walls are as thin as mine.

gotta find out when my open house is... have to make the space look extra special... this apartment i don't know i'm giving up.


dodo said...

With open house coming up, it is good to know there is wine sorbet around! ;-)

Prettylyf said...

I'm loving you titles monday java and moody tuesday sheesh that is simply so me

Glad you're now getting mail, woot! isn't it funny how we get so used to like getting mail and don't realize it until it stops coming then we want it to come regardless of whether it's bills or junk, just b/c it's become so routine and now it's like you get home and walk straight to the apartment w/out stopping to collect the mail at the mailbox and it's just not 'normal'?lol

Have a beautiful wednesday :)

Oh the open house? wow that's something...get it cracking, sorbet, crackers, cheese lol

pandave said...

yes dodos... lots of it may be needed

thanks prettylyf... now i have to try not to disappoint. lol! who knew we loved the unwanted so much?