Thursday, August 16, 2007

It's The Economy Stupid!

a few months ago i had a little travelling adventure that ended up in security confiscating my special sunscreen. as soon as i got home i went straight to sephora to pick up another bottle of the stuff - ever since i learnt about the huge hole in the ozone layer while in high school i have been paranoid about the sun. it may all be a marketing ploy but it sure does work on me.

a few weeks later i travelled again - i had a huge ziploc bag but mr security guy confiscated my sunscreen again - apparently the bottle was too big. coincidence? conspiracy? cign?

this time it took a while to go back. in fact, it took until today to go back. i trundled over to sephora and, after the sale, i looked in my bag. what? no samples?! the only reason i ever thought of sephora was because every time my brother got something from them he got the coolest samples that he chucked over my way. i can understand belt-tightening and all but i thought the word was that we are in a recession. plus dubya told us that the best way to demonstrate our patriotism was through shopping. because, um, our sales tax goes to help pay for building democrazy and body armour. but how am i supposed to shop when i'm not getting my free samples, doggone it!?

the dark cloud of i've been cheated must have been totally cheated must have been visible because some women dressed in black, pink and green handed me a free mascara and another store gave me free hair product that i can actually use on my hair. i should have told pink, black and green to stop over in sephora and teach them a thing or two about patriotism.

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