Monday, July 28, 2008


i find myself on the road again for work, trying to figure out where and how to get my training in, but:

last tuesday i was walking to the track to do my "pick ups" (i say pick up because i do pick up my pace but it is nowhere near what one would term a sprint) i had an epiphany. i have never worked so hard at something i will never be good at. i mean, i might get better, i hope i get better, but i will never be good. the only thing i can hope for is that i am doing this when i am 90 and i can win in my age group because i am the only one in my age group.

and yet i still went ahead and completed my workout, even when the deluge came and all but four of us were left on the track, i kept plodding away. i thought, well this is at least the 4th time that i have been caught in the rain and if it rains on marathon day i am still going to have to run so, this is good practice. and i did my 12 miles on saturday and kept going even when it seemed as though everyone and their grandma was lapping me.

and i thought to myself, i wonder if i would have been a different person had i stuck with art even though everyone (myself included) said i sucked at it. would i be able to at least draw a stick figure that looked vaguely human? would i be a better, kinder, softer me?

then i got sweat in my eye and that moment passed.


Carla said...

Yep, I'll never be good at running either. That's a tough one. I'm sure you'll do well though. Compete against yourself. If you improve, that's something to be proud of.

Prettylyf said...

Congratulations on doing 12 miles!!! It doesn't matter who lapped you and how many of them or even how long it took the thing is you not only ran it all but you even did it in the rain :)

pandave said...

thanks carla. right now, if i make it to the finish line, that's an achievement for me. the funny thing is that when i was in school we used to have these "cross-country" runs where we would run like 3km or 5km and i thought that was far!

thanks prettylyf! you are so right. i felt like a real pro, running in the rain and achieving that oh so fashionable wet dog look ;-)