Monday, January 26, 2009

Get It Right!

i don't ask for much, generally as a rule. on most days, if i am warm and the sun is out, i'm good. a lot of the time, people mangle my name. i mean, mangle it so much that sometimes i wonder if perhaps i am saying my name incorrectly. however, i have decided culture has something to do with it - depending on where i am people tend to destroy my name in the same way.

sometimes i think they have it right but then they send me a note and i see that, yeah, they're still off. Sometimes they go phonetic to the extreme and I get notes on my desk addressed to the likes of PahNdahVe. Or maybe to PawNdaVee (because that is how they heard it, apparently). And you know it's fine because it could be worse. My brother used to get notes addressed to Josie, which is a girl's name and sounds nothing like his name. So, yeah, I'm getting the better deal.

However, what I find absolutely unforgivable, what really gets my goat, is when people spell my name wrong when responding to emails from me! So you see my name in the address line that tells you who the email from. Then, you see my name when I sign off, probably sending you all kinds of terms of endearment. And then you click reply and proceed to decide how you feel I should spell my name. And not only do you do that, nine times out of ten you spell it in a way I have hated since I was 8. So what? You think I don't know how to spell my name, the one thing I remember since the first grade? Or maybe you think the way you do it is better. You go in and add letters and syllables and it makes me wonder if you really read my email. You can't even blame spell check because what you did, spell check won't even accept.

All I am saying is that if Eureka can tell me "It's pronounced Erica, the U is silent," and I can give her that, because that is her name, how difficult is Pandave?
If you feel you just can't type it, feel free to cut and paste.


Prettylyf said...
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Prettylyf said...

"You can't blame spell check because what you did spell check won't even accept" (Pandave, 2009) LOL you're hilarious.

And I well know this is not a laughing matter. As a matter of fact I've fallen victim to this. People call me c'mmon that's not my name. My name has been butchered so much it drives me absolutely nuts. And I especially understand when it's clearly stated on the e-mail and then someone goes ahead to bestow upon themselves the right to edit your name yet the correct version/way to say or write is sitting in front of them. I don't get it. ACK!!! So I went ahead and made up an AKA because am not Alison and never will be.

Have a day full of correct pronunciation and the correct way to write your name :)

tjidzani said...

Lol @ "Josie!" - Pandave, you KNOW I feel you! I went to get my prescription filled and I handed the girl my ID...than she handed it back to me and asked me to spell my first name so I did T-J-I etc. When I got home and checked the label, I noticed she had put a G instead of a J...and yet our faces were literally less than a foot apart when I spelled it out for her!!!

pandave said...

LOL! thanks prettylyf. i can now refer to myself as a quoted author!

i think someone should start a support group of the butchered names.

hahaha, tjidzani. i mean j and g don't even sound alike. i mean sometimes you have to say d as in david and not b as in boy but j as in joe and not g as in golly get the name right!

and yes... josie. when i first saw it i wondered what girl my brother was holding an envelope for. and then it clicked. ahhhh no!

dodo said...

Oh yes, the mistreated names- being Greek, i know all about it!

Carla said...

You have no idea how often my name has been butchered...and I don't even consider it that difficult (as far as names go). But the email thing...unforgivable.

pandave said...

Haha Dodo, we have common issues of people who decide how to spell your name.

I tell you Carla - you put it out there and they STILL get it wrong. it makes one think that maybe some just don't care.