Monday, November 20, 2006

Because We All Love Our Country

yay to the draft. bring it on dude! because if we bring back the draft for everyone - men and women alike - rich old men will think twice before sending some people's children to war. they will only ever ever do it for a really excellent reason (like to get back at the guy they caught in bed with his wife)
but wait a minute, these old men were young during a war that had the whole draft thing going on and somehow all these old men never had to go to war. they all seemed to luck out and their numbers never came up.
but that would never happen in modern times. n-uh-uh. there is no way these men's children would be able to avoid the draft. the draft is the equaliser and knowing that will force these old men to think hard about the value of life vs really important things like oil and pride and weapons of mass destruction (as long as they are not nukes).
so, yay to the draft!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You can't imagine Ma's reaction when she saw that on CNN...