Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Look Up... Yep, It Is A Flying Pig

marriage. the real deal. none of this civil union nonsense. marriage... if you want it... regardless. same sex. different sexes. whatever floats your boat. or a civil union , if you so wish. can you believe it?i swear i had to pinch myself. and this is the final step. the courts ruled last year, now parliament just has to sign a bill into law. a bill that is all about "voluntary union of two persons, which is solemnised and registered by either a marriage or civil union"

and all this just a week after same sex marriage was being banned left right and center in mid-term elections in the usa.

what's the deal? is south africa trying to make america look bad? or extra wholesome? first they give up on the whole death penalty thing - but that apparently was not a hard enough slap in the face. i mean, thou shalt not kill is in the bible and everything. but this? equal rights for all? trying to take the whole no discrimination thing seriously - well that's just crazy talk.

i tell you, south africa, you better be careful. i heard some pastor or politician (it's hard to tell the difference these days) say that this is just the first step. you allow same sex marriage today; tomorrow a man will be wanting to marry an animal. and i tell you, i can believe it. it's not such a big stretch - i do and moo do kinda sound alike.


Anonymous said...

No, the world is trying to make America look bad. We'll be the last country to adopt gay marriage, after all the Bible thumpers have died of old age. And I always thought we were, like, progressive in terms of other nations.

sophie said...

i missed you:)

pandave said...

yes, erikku, i thought the same thing. and at a certain point, i think it was so. i don't know what happened. or maybe i was wrong all along.

sophie - i am touched. are you trying to make me cry? i missed you - even though i think i was the one who disappeared. i think i am back...