Monday, January 15, 2007

I Had A Dream

so i got up today, before the crack of dawn even, but it was okay. martin luther king day - a day of hope and vision and all things good. granted i had to go to work but, we can't all get time off, right? i got to work through the grey cold mist that makes a joke out of an umbrella and tuned into the news headlines. i must have been on the wrong sites, because there was absolutely nothing hopeful there. then i tuned in to radio and got all depressed hearing about shootings and how few rights people have. on my way home i noticed that my coop billboard had been replaced by an addidas ad. i turned on cnn (more details on hanging) to hear that after the break we would be finding out if things have gotten better what with the median income for white households being 50-something thousand a year while that for black families barely breaks 30-odd thousand dollars. yeah, cnn didn't last long today.

what the heck is going on? for one day, just one day, can we not hope? believe? have a dream??


Tu said...

You are right life can get to you sometimes. (Esp. on Mondays!)

In retrospect I think it’s a good thing, much like how you posed the question in your blog “can we not hope? Believe? Have a dream??”

I think that’s the whole point.

That moment when you consider whether or not we are heading in the right direction.
Will the dream ever be achieved???
Prob not in our lifetimes or till aliens invade and take over the earth, making us all realize how insignificant we are and how petty we can be, race, social status, etc.

dodo said...

It is my right to hope- i refuse to give it up.