Sunday, July 15, 2007

And Thus We Go On...

about eight months ago, i told you about my two girls and showed you one of them, chimoto. that's because zuva was falling apart and i had not figured out how to make her happy. you can see though that chimoto is really happy on top of the fridge (i took her down to take a picture... very quickly; i didn't want her out of her happy zone for too long). when i water her and sing to her and just gaze at her, i am always happy that i have found a way to make her happy. my first brooklyn plant. i still have no clue what kind of plant she is but to me she is my brooklyn flame.

but zuva? oh man... after the blog, she continued to die. i would be in denial for days and finally have to remove a dry, brown leaf from the pot. i reached a point where i thought - if anyone visits me, they'll think i'm crazy. i have a pot with a leaf in it. a leaf, for goodness's sake. give it up, it is just not working. sometimes things just aren't meant to be. i picked up the pot and walked over to the trash can but i couldn't bring myself to do it. i put zuva back on the windowsill. i would have to watch that last leaf die, rot and become compost before i threw the pot away.

and look what happened. i can barely believe it myself sometimes. i tiptoe up to her sometimes because i don't know what i did but i just don't want to mess with zuva's feng shui. she's a sensitive one, that one and yet it seems that she too is a survivor; a real fighter. the one that keeps me foolishly optimistic even when totally hopeless. and although i have not seen her yellow flowers in a while, she still is my sunshine.


Prettylyf said...

Tis a testament of what love can do lol

pandave said...

oh yes prettylyf... and i love my girls... lol! powerful stuff, evidently...