Sunday, October 22, 2006

Daddy, I Swear I Tried To Close My Eyes

what is this - the spice channel for nambla? i read something about a priest talking about foley, so i am thinking - a man of the cloth, this could be interesting. interesting , yes. but this?

"we were just fondling" and then talk of massages, skinny-dipping and just hanging about naked in hotel rooms. hotel rooms?! how does a 12 year-old boy end up in a hotel room with anyone but his parents? for a second i wonder where his parents thought mark fol was during his overnight trips to washington dc and new york city. and then i think - what the gooney goo goo is up with this priest. first he said they loved each other "like brothers". well, let me tell you something, mr supposed-to-be-unnaturally-celibate priest dude - i have two brothers and this naked massage, skinny dipping hanging out naked thing, that's not their idea of brotherly bonding.

and hey, you can't tell this priest that he did wrong, nope he says, "See abuse, it's a bad word, you know, because abuse, you abuse someone against his will. But it involved just spontaneousness, you know?"
because you know what equal standing a 12 year-old boy and an adult in a position of power and authority are on. but it's okay, guys, nothing bad happened. the priest said it himself - yeah, they fondled and got all spontaneous but they never had sex. at least none that he can remember (but, he adds that he was on drugs at the time). and you can trust this priest - still a priest.

and those news outlets must be wondering what they did to deserve this bumper crop of oh my god i can't believe this sound bites. seriously, you couldn't make this stuff up if you tried. let me tell you what i have learnt from all of this - i am going to become a drunk drug addict. and whatever i may do next week, i'll be sure to take a camcorder and email ready cellphone with me to provide the press with lurid quotes and pulitzer worthy footage. and i'll be sure to hang my head in shame as my lawyer announces that my parents never let me have a pet and, well i was drunk and i am going to rehab. see you soon, mark!


sophie said...

It makes me sick - abuse
- profound abuse of children.

I just can't stand it.

Kristi Tencarre said...

these so called "Priests" should be removed from their positions immediately, no questions asked. I have a great answer to sexual abuse: whatever body part the abuser used to hurt the victim gets cut off. With no anesthetic.