Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Long Time No...

today an old friend i had not heard from in a while said hello to me. and you think to youself, what clever things can i say to him that will stick with him for the long periods of silence between the hellos? well, turns out i had nothing clever to say, but you see i keep him as a friend cos he is dead smart.

Kine se Ansi

BY Everton Matambanadzo

Down slope try eke out or puffin ,
sanitated apartheid !
“Alundum” creed like Hollingsworth
to clip the December afternoon
In a meetinghouse cultivated
through excelling in a squirt yard
With Beardsley we’ll be western most
tried Donald but pendant , infallible and tumult
Drove an Oldsmobile for the Bantu
To try, Rena? Some wally with a dragonhead
In an ecosystem not for earthmovers
seemed Edwardian at best and a little trite!
Buy a hut and Lionel see the nettle?
It's pound dry, penny foolish“Kine se ansi” try to collaborate theinsect we ingest it’s antipodes seensplat dry. humors’ demand ,but on the riverbank;
with the upperclassman

so... um, does it rub off?


sophie said...

smart delights me.

courage delights me.

compassiona and love delight me:)

your blog is delightful -
very fresh, quite original:)

Anonymous said...

Poems automatically make you smart. Who cares if you didn't write them? ^_-

pandave said...

sophie, you are too kind.

totally gifted too so i am really extra specially touched!

true, erikku. i think i may be onto something with this whole other people's poetry gig...

Anonymous said...

poetry makes me feel dumb...especially because most of the time i don't get it right away and everyone else seems to be having this deep, out-of-body experience and i'm the only going "wait, what??" *sigh* in other words, it's too smart for me...

pandave said...

hey eks, you don't have to understand it... you just quote it whenever you can and put it on your blog. and if anyone goes, 'uh, what?' then just nod knowingly. if they ask you to explain, then they look dumb... and no one wants to look dumb, right?