Monday, October 30, 2006

Happy Happy Joy Joy

so i dashed home from work and i was worried i wouldn't make it on time. however, the gods were smiling on me today - they knew what i needed today. train arrived as i hit the platform and the transfer was pulling in as i arrived at that station. now that is what i call the stars aligning. burst into the house at 9:48 pm and switched on the television before even taking my coat off. not sure why, i had 12 minutes but who knows. i sat down and watched larry king talking to some alleged pundits about voting machines and lack of paper trails. one dude called for the purple ink - i hope they take him seriously. i want to wave a purple finger along with the rest of the world (i wonder how long it takes to wash that off). come on larry, what's on next? nothing, no hint. instead i see some george bush impresonator who so does not look like dubya. i can barely sit still - i am not sure what i'll do if things don't work out. i look at the clock 9:59. come on... come on....
we tune into the new york studio and there he is - resplendent in red and blue tie and full makeup. ah... COOP!!!! he's back.
today... i love monday.

he better NOT mention oprah. i have almost forgiven him for going away.


sophie said...

oprah for president:)

sophie said...

Coop for President.


pandave said...

yeah, reb, i got my fix. and i wasn't even that upset when, last night, they cut him back to one hour...

yeah sophie! now you got it
coop for president! i will be VP!!!