Saturday, August 05, 2006

Heil Something...

apparently if you are or were ever a communist, you cannot become a us citizen. and if you were a nazi (but only one affiliated with the german government) between 23 march 1933 and 8 may 1945, you cannot become a us citizen. so, apart from that little hiccough in history, it's okay to be a nazi.


Oscar Grillo said...

I'd always enjoyed having to sign this declaration in the entry form for admitance to the USA evertime I travelled there. I come from the Land of Hope and Glory and you from The Land of the Brave and the Free....What a load of toss!!!!

pandave said...

rebekit: haha! after all that, today i speak of crackheads and bicycles.

oscar: i too have been tickled when filling out that form. i visited a website that advised people how to answer those questions. to - are you a communist - the answer is "no. i do not like communism."

never "viva la revolucion!"