Monday, August 14, 2006

Oh That Peanut Farmer

"we will not learn how to live together in peace by killing each other's children." jimmy carter once said this. the fact that he is not really considered a "strong" (read good) leader by the american people (read a bunch of folk i don't really know).

so now our great, strong leaders are a group of guys involved in, i don't know, a pissing contest. or perhaps it's a game of mine's bigger than yours. well, forget that, i have a mega set of brass balls. brass? forget that! platinum baby! plah-tee-num!!! you oppress my people, i'll show you i am serious about liberation. you kidnapped three soldiers? well, we won't let you get away with that. soldier shortage? well, there is a village of younguns to kidnap and brainwash. we'll sit in our airconditioned offices, healthy, fattened and strong. and our media pundits will help us make it all so rational. it is all worth dying for, apparently, as they see things from their cushy vantage points.

it's called collateral damage. while i'm swinging my massive gonads around; someone's bound to get hurt.

it's so easy to fight by proxy, innit?

and i need to stop with the news first thing in the morning.

1 comment:

pandave said...

the world would be a very scary place if i were a computer programmer...