Wednesday, August 30, 2006

War! Huh! What is it Good For?

last year 2.8 million died from aids. that's on average 7,671 people a day. a number more can understand - about twice as many as died in the twin towers on 9/11. so, i'm just saying, i think someone needs to declare a war. on what? take your pick - ignorance, corporate greed, poverty, inertia. or the best one - sex. as a wise man told me "sex ain't funny anymore". WAR!

the only problem is that instead of a whole lot of folk dying from this war, we may just get folk living, and that is not news. that's not interesting. that's not a good headline - and we love good headlines.

you know there was an aids conference a couple of weeks ago. during the jonbenet hullabaloo, it qualified for a "medical minute" on abc. then back to things that really matter.

come on! war is the new peace!


pandave said...

lol! i suppose. but in some places folk have to wonder if it is more fun than what comes with it.

i was just reading on the beeb that in south africa women rate shopping for shoes above sex. right now,it certainly it does bring a heck of a lot more peace of mind.

pandave said...

well, now THAT sucks. one has to be doing well somewhere.

i don't know what i would pick. i may have to sit back and have some chocolate while i think it through. i get too damn sentimental.