Friday, August 04, 2006

Hurrah for Hollywood...

so hollywood and everyone else, i suppose, is up in arms over mel gibson. and, well good on them, i suppose. during these slow news days, it is good to have a cause to be outraged about. forget the middle east and the 1,000 dying every day in the congo. mel gibson is "not a bigot" even though he blames all wars on effing jews. we must have missed the memo about the ethnicities of the likes of alexander the great and hitler.

but how does this all make sense. hollywood wants to end mel's career and folk are proclaiming from the hilltops (or at least full page spreads) that they will never work with him again (or at all). but this is the same hollywood that gave the absent (cos he was convicted of raping and sodomising a 13 year-old) roman polanski a standing ovation when he got an oscar for "the pianist".

i just don't get it.

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