Saturday, August 19, 2006

Risk Vs. Reward

so we are out in the atlantic ocean (miami south beach section) and reb is all - i wonder if there are sharks around here. random man in the ocean near us responds - yeah there are sharks here. actually a little while back the lifeguard had to get everyone out of the water because there was a shark swimming around. i am looking at this guy, wondering if he is telling the truth or just trying to start up a conversation. reb has already moved closer to the shore (she is the wiser one). i ask - how recently. and he responds - last week. and still we stayed in the water chatting idly for another half hour. and we were back in the water every day after that. and i am sure if we had been attacked by sharks we would have been hurt and confused... if we lived to tell the tale. but you see, the water felt so good and i mean, how often are the sharks around (umm, like all the time, apparently)? and then the lifeguards aren't there for nothing. and, fueled by adrenaline, i am sure i will be able to get out the ocean at warp speed, all the while praying that someone else's thighs are more appetising than mine. how many people are attacked by sharks anyway? and i am sure if you ask them they'll tell you that the attack was well worth the glorious romps in the ocean.

1 comment:

pandave said...

haha! funny rebekit, very funny. and nothing better than a top chef!